Working with Linux CLI:
[student@hostX Desktop] $
[root@hostX Desktop] #
1 2 3 4
1: user name
2: hostname
3: user's current location
4: user types (root: #, regular user: $)
Linux User's Types:
=> root user: Administrator (#)
=> system user: service (mail/ftp/games/daemon)-cannot login
=> regular user: student, guest, sakib ($)
Working with Linux Shells & Terminal:
[student@hostX Desktop] $ echo $SHELL [for show shell is whice Mode bash/sh/other]
[student@hostX Desktop] $ chsh -l [change login shell or how many shell mode working on osllrn] [L]
Working with linux CLI:
=> Physical Consoles (Alt + Ctrl+ F1 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
=> Alt + Ctrl + F1: GUI
=> Alt + Ctrl + F2-F6: CMD
=> Pseudo Consoles (/dev/pts/x) or connection from GUI
=> Telnet (unencrypted, TCP port 23)
=> SSH (encrypted, TCP Port 22)
Alt + Ctrl + F1 => GUI - :0
Alt + Ctrl + F2 => new CMD terminal (F2-F6) - tty2-tty6
=> Press Ctl + Alt + F2
Login: student
pass: ******
[student@hostXDesktop]$ su
Password: ******
[root@hostX ~]# exit
[student@hostX ~]$ exit
$ ctrl + l = srceen clear
$ ctrl + shift + "t" => new terminal (tab) (GUI)
Linux Command Syntax/Pattern:
# command [optoin (-)] argument
ex # ping -c 4
[student@hostX Desktop]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls ;list of files and dir.
[student@hostX ~]$ ll ;file and dir properties
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -l
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -la ; details list with hidden files and dir
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -R [show all folder and file under the directory]
ctl+d-----> in home directory from any location.
blue - dir
b&w - file
red - compress (rpm/zip/rar)
green - execute file
yellow - device (terminal/cd/dvd/usb/hdd)
cyan - link file
magenta - Picture/image/media
[student@hostX ~]$ pwd ; present working directory
"~" => home dir
"/" => root partition (My Computer)
"/root" => root's home dir
"/home" => user's home
i.e.: /home/student
[student@hostX~]$ => user's home dir
Working with Linux More Commands:
[student@hostX ~]$ w
[student@hostX ~]$ who
[student@hostX ~]$ whoami
[student@hostX ~]$ hostname
[student@hostX ~]$ tty
[student@hostX ~]$ date
[student@hostX ~]$ cal
[student@hostX ~]$ cal 2017
[student@hostX ~]$ runlevel ;(5-GUI, 3-CMD, n-none)
[student@hostX ~]$ uname -r ; kernel version
[student@hostX ~]$ uname ; OS name
[student@hostX ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release ; redhat/centos version
[student@hostX ~]$ top ; task manager
[student@hostX ~]$ lastlog ; login details
[student@hostX ~]$ free -m ; RAM Info
[student@hostX ~]$ lscpu [show CPU info]
[student@hostX ~]$ uptime : system UPtiem info
[student@hostX ~]$ ip addr
[student@hostX ~]$ history ; list of privious command
[student@hostX ~]$ !25 ; 45 no command
[student@hostX ~]$ history -c ; clear all previous history
[student@hostX ~]$ history
[root@hostX ~]# init 0
[root@hostX ~]# poweroff
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -h now
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -h 5 now ; shutdown after 5 min
[root@hostX ~]# reboot
[root@hostX ~]# init 6
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -r now
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -r 5 now ; restart after 5 min
Linux Directory Structure:
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /
[student@hostX /]$ ls
bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var
boot etc lib media opt root sbin sys usr
bin - user binary files ( executed by regular user)
boot - system boot related file
dev - system device files (dvd/cd/hdd/fd)
etc - all server & system configuration file
home - regular user home dir
lib - system libary files locations. libraries needed to execute the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/.
media - system defaut mount point (DVD/ISO/SOFTware)
mnt - mount point (DVD/HDD/USB)
opt - optional (empty)
proc - Also called 'proFS' system process related info (CPU,RAM, Process, Driver, Modules and Kernel)
root - root user (superuser) home dir.
run - service running data. Runtime data for processes started since the last boot.
sbin - system binary ( used by root user)
srv - Sort for Service. User's (/home/*) service related data. Like WWW, FTP etc.
sys - Sort for system. '/sys' directory as a virtual filesystem (sysfs) mounted under /sys. similar as proc.
tmp - temporary files (deleted after 10 days)
usr - thirdparty software install location
var - varibale file (mail/log/hosting/ftpdata)
[student@hostX ~]$ cd [enter] ; back to home dir
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /
[student@hostX /]$ ls
[student@hostX /]$ cd
=> cd /dir1/dir2/dir3 [path] ; Linux
=> C:\di1\dir2\dir3> ; Windows
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /var/log
[student@hostX log]$ ls
[student@hostX log]$ cd .. ; one step/dir back
[student@hostX var]$ cd - ; back to previous dir
[student@hostX ~]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd Music
[student@hostX Music]$ cd ../Videos
[student@hostX Videos]$ ls
[student@hostX Videos]$ pwd
[student@hostX Videos]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ mkdir linuxY
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd linuxY
[student@hostX linuxY]$ ls
[student@hostX linuxY]$ pwd
[student@hostX linuxY]$ mkdir lesson02
[student@hostX linuxY]$ cd lesson02
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ pwd
Test: Graphically (home/...........)
class work:
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file1 ; file create
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch test1 test2 test3 ; multiple files create with single command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 ; multiple dirs create with single command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file{1..10}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch user{1,2,3}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch user-{tarek,lima,liza}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll dir1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch dir1/dir2/test
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd dir1/dir2/
[student@hostX dir2]$ pwd
[student@hostX dir2]$ ll
[student@hostX dir2]$ cd /home/student/linuxY/lesson02
[student@hostX dir2]$ cd ../../
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf *
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
Working with Hidden file/dir:
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir .training
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch .csl
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls -la ; a for hidden file/dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv .training training ; file rename
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch test1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir linux1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
d rwx rwx r-x . 2 student student 6 Feb 4 18:06 linux1
- rw- rw- r-- . 1 student student 0 Feb 4 18:06 testY
1 2a 2b 2c 2d 3 4 5 6 7 8
1: file/dir types
2: file/dir permission: 2a: user permission, 2b: group permission, 2c: others permission 2d: ACL Permission
3: file/dir link (Hard Link)
4: file/dir owner
5: file/dir group owner
6: file/dir size (byte)
7: file/dir modify date
8: file/dir name
Linux FIle & Dir types:
d = directory : regular directory
l = link file : /dev/stdin
s = socket : /dev/log
- = regular file : text/any file
p = Pipe file : /dev/initctl
b = device CD/DVD/HDD : /dev/sdb, /dev/sr0
c = character device (serial/prallel/printer): /dev/tty
s - A socket file is used to pass information between applications/process for communication purpose
[root@hostXlesson02]$ cd /dev
[student@hostX dev]$ ll
[student@hostX dev]$ cd -
FIle/dir Permission:
r = read
w = write
x = execute
- = no permission
. = Special Permission (+)
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir dir1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 file2 ; file copy
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 /home/student ; same name
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 /home/student/file3 ; diffrent name
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd -
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp /etc/passwd . ; copy to current dir [copy a file from other directory]
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp /etc/hostname /home/student
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd -
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp dir1 linux99 ; wrong command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp -r dir1 linux99 ; copy directory
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp -r /etc/ . [bring etc directory in present directory]
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm file1 ; file remove
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv file2 file4 ; move or rename
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv file4 /home/student
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm linux99 ; delete empty dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -r linux99 ; delete empty dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -r etc ; delete dir with content and confirmation
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf etc ; delete dir with contains and without confirmation
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf * ; delete everything from curent dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
===================== The End =======================
Linux Text Editor:
Windows Text Editor: notepad, notepadd++
Linux Text Editor: vi/vim, nano, gedit (GUI), emacs, pico
Most propular/Advanced Text Editor: Vi/Vim
=> vi - old, b&w, default
=> vim - advanced, colorfull (Package must be installed)
[student@hostX ~]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ mkdir linux/lesson04 -p
[student@hostX ~]$ cd linux/lesson04
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson04]$ touch test ; create new file
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cp /etc/passwd . ; copy passwd file to cureent dir
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
passwd test
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim file1 ; edit newfile
welcome to csl training
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file1
[student@hostX lesson04]$ nano file2
welcome to cslcbt training
=> Ctrl+X then 'Y'
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file2
[student@hostX lesson04]$ gedit file3
welcome to cslcbt training
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file3
Working with vi/vim Mode:
=> Insert Mode : press "i" or "insert" button
=> Exit Mode : press "esc" button form keyboard
=> Command Mode: file navigation, cut, paste, undo, redo
=> Visual Mode: press "ctrl + v" form keyboard
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim myfile
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write something as your requirments ; (Hello world !!)
=> press "esc" button exit from "insert" mode
=> :x ; save and quit
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat myfile
Hello world !!
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim myfile
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write "welcome to linux training"
=> press "esc" quit from insert mode
=> :w ; only save not quit
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write "goodbye"
=> :q! ; quit without save
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file1
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim passwd
:set nu
Cursor Movement:
h j k l - Left, down, up, right
^ - Go to the beginning of the line
$ - Go to the end of the line
gg - Go to the frst line
G - Go to the last line
:n - Go to line n
Replacing Text:
r - Replace character
yl - Single Character copy
nyl - no of Character copy
yy - Yank line
p - Paste after cursor
P - Paste before cursor
yw - word copy
nyy - n lines copy
Inserting Text:
i - Insert at cursor
I - Insert at the beginning of the line
a - Append after cursor
A - Append at the end of the line
o - Open a new line below the current line
O - Open a new line above the current line
Deleting Text:
x - delete (cut) character
dd - delete (cut) line
ndd - delete (cut) n lines
dw - delete (cut) word
D - delete (cut) to the end of the line
u - Undo
Ctrl-r - Redo
/{pattern} - Forward search for {pattern}
?{pattern} - Reverse search for {pattern}
n - Repeat the last search
N - Repeat the last search in the opposite direction
Find and Replace:
:%s/{old}/{new}/gc - Search and Replace with confirmation [without any space]
:%s/{old}/{new}/g - Search and Replace without confirmation
Save and Quit:
:w - Write (save)
:wq - Write and quit
:q - Quit
:q! - Force quit, don’t save changes
:wq! Force write and quit
-I for case sendative
-i case insensative
======================== Thank you ===================
Lesson: User and Group Administration
[root@desktopX ~]# less /etc/passwd
root : 0
system user: 200 - 999
regular user: 1000 +
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd tarek
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# grep tarek /etc/passwd
tarek: x: 1001: 1001: :/home/tarek :/bin/bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 - username
2 - user password info (/etc/shadow)
3 - userid (UID)
4 - groupid (GID): primary
5 - user's comment/descriptions
6 - user's home dir
7 - user's shell
[root@desktopX ~]# id tarek
uid=1001(tarek) gid=1001(tarek) groups=1001(tarek)
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow ; user password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# grep tarek /etc/shadow ; tarek password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahfuz ; user create
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mamun
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahfuz
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Alt+Ctrl+F2 -- Alt+Ctrl+F6
login: mahfuz ; login as regular user
pass: 123 ; (note: please numlock on)
[mahfuz@desktopX ~]$ exit
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd trainer ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd staff ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group ; group related info
trainer :x: 1003:
1 2 3 4
1 - group name
2 - group password info (/etc/gshadow)
3 - gid
4 - group members
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group ; check trainer group
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer tarek ;existing user modify
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -G trainer belal ; newuser to group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer,staff ikbal ; single user assign to multiple groups
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# id ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 3000 roman ; user careate with UID
[root@desktopX ~]# grep roman /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd -g 3100 admin
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# groupmod -n faculty trainer ;change group name
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -d ikbal staff ; remove from group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd -d ikbal ; password remove
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Login regular user:
Linux GUI terminal: 1 (Alt + Ctrl + F1)
Linux Command Terminal: (Alt+Ctrl+F2 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
Login as root user
[root@desktopX ~]# id rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -c "Linux X student" rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1000:1000:Linux X student:/home/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# mkdir -p /newhome/rafat2
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -d /newhome/rafat2 rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1003:1003: :/newhome/rafat2:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/shells
[root@desktopX ~]# id student
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /sbin/nologin student ;change user shell
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
student :x:1002:1002::/home/student :/sbin/nologin
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /bin/bash student ;shell enable
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -L student ; user account lock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: ! $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -U student ; user account unlock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel rafat ; user delete without home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel -r rafat ; delete user with home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupdel admin ; groupdel
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahedi
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahedi
Login: mahedi
Pass: *****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
-bash: /usr/sbin/useradd: Permission denied
What is SUDO do ?
Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a specifc command or a
group of commands or all commands as the superuser.
regular user: rumon, rony, lucky
=> rm,cp,mv,
=> mkdir,touch
=> pwd,free -m,
=> ping, df -HT
=> ip addr, tail
Command run from: /bin/
super user: root
=> useradd, passwd, groupadd
=> reboot, systemctl
=> shutdown, poweroff
=> setenforce
Command run from: /sbin
Note: [root@desktopX ~]# which useradd ; command for location of useradd command
[root@desktopX ~]# which pwd
Editing sudo configuration File:
Rules 1: permit for all
[root@desktopX ~]# visudo
:set nu
91 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL ; mahedi allow for any command
:x (save and exit)
Press: Alt + Ctrl + F3
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ sudo useradd rasel
[sudo] password for mahedi: ****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ tail /etc/passwd
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ exit
Working with /etc/shadow file:
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow | grep lucky
Login: lucky
passL: 123
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky ;password info
Last password change : MM DD, YYYY
Password expires : never
Password inactive : never
Account expires : never
Minimum number of days between password change : 0
Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
password: P@ssword123 (new password)
[root@desktopX ~]# chage lucky
Minimum Password age [0]: 3
Maximum Password age [99999]: 30
Last Password Changed (YYYY-MM-DD): Press Enter (today)
Password Expiration Warning [7]: 5
Password Inactive [-1]: 5
Account Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [-1]: YYYY-MM-DD
note: If press Enter account never expire
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# date MMDDHHMMYY
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# vim /etc/login.defs ;user password related info
25 PASS_MAX_DAYS 99999
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -d 0 lucky
=================================== x ===========================
Rules 2: shutdown disallow
52 Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/reboot
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL, !SHUTDOWN
Rules 3: permit for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias MAHEDI = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) MAHEDI
Rules 4: permit group (support) for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias SUPPORT = /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/passwd,
109 %support ALL=(ALL) SUPPORT
=================== The End ===============
[student@hostX Desktop] $
[root@hostX Desktop] #
1 2 3 4
1: user name
2: hostname
3: user's current location
4: user types (root: #, regular user: $)
Linux User's Types:
=> root user: Administrator (#)
=> system user: service (mail/ftp/games/daemon)-cannot login
=> regular user: student, guest, sakib ($)
Working with Linux Shells & Terminal:
[student@hostX Desktop] $ echo $SHELL [for show shell is whice Mode bash/sh/other]
[student@hostX Desktop] $ chsh -l [change login shell or how many shell mode working on osllrn] [L]
Working with linux CLI:
=> Physical Consoles (Alt + Ctrl+ F1 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
=> Alt + Ctrl + F1: GUI
=> Alt + Ctrl + F2-F6: CMD
=> Pseudo Consoles (/dev/pts/x) or connection from GUI
=> Telnet (unencrypted, TCP port 23)
=> SSH (encrypted, TCP Port 22)
Alt + Ctrl + F1 => GUI - :0
Alt + Ctrl + F2 => new CMD terminal (F2-F6) - tty2-tty6
=> Press Ctl + Alt + F2
Login: student
pass: ******
[student@hostXDesktop]$ su
Password: ******
[root@hostX ~]# exit
[student@hostX ~]$ exit
$ ctrl + l = srceen clear
$ ctrl + shift + "t" => new terminal (tab) (GUI)
Linux Command Syntax/Pattern:
# command [optoin (-)] argument
ex # ping -c 4
[student@hostX Desktop]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls ;list of files and dir.
[student@hostX ~]$ ll ;file and dir properties
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -l
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -la ; details list with hidden files and dir
[student@hostX ~]$ ls -R [show all folder and file under the directory]
ctl+d-----> in home directory from any location.
blue - dir
b&w - file
red - compress (rpm/zip/rar)
green - execute file
yellow - device (terminal/cd/dvd/usb/hdd)
cyan - link file
magenta - Picture/image/media
[student@hostX ~]$ pwd ; present working directory
"~" => home dir
"/" => root partition (My Computer)
"/root" => root's home dir
"/home" => user's home
i.e.: /home/student
[student@hostX~]$ => user's home dir
Working with Linux More Commands:
[student@hostX ~]$ w
[student@hostX ~]$ who
[student@hostX ~]$ whoami
[student@hostX ~]$ hostname
[student@hostX ~]$ tty
[student@hostX ~]$ date
[student@hostX ~]$ cal
[student@hostX ~]$ cal 2017
[student@hostX ~]$ runlevel ;(5-GUI, 3-CMD, n-none)
[student@hostX ~]$ uname -r ; kernel version
[student@hostX ~]$ uname ; OS name
[student@hostX ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release ; redhat/centos version
[student@hostX ~]$ top ; task manager
[student@hostX ~]$ lastlog ; login details
[student@hostX ~]$ free -m ; RAM Info
[student@hostX ~]$ lscpu [show CPU info]
[student@hostX ~]$ uptime : system UPtiem info
[student@hostX ~]$ ip addr
[student@hostX ~]$ history ; list of privious command
[student@hostX ~]$ !25 ; 45 no command
[student@hostX ~]$ history -c ; clear all previous history
[student@hostX ~]$ history
[root@hostX ~]# init 0
[root@hostX ~]# poweroff
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -h now
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -h 5 now ; shutdown after 5 min
[root@hostX ~]# reboot
[root@hostX ~]# init 6
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -r now
[root@hostX ~]# shutdown -r 5 now ; restart after 5 min
Linux Directory Structure:
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /
[student@hostX /]$ ls
bin dev home lib64 mnt proc run srv tmp var
boot etc lib media opt root sbin sys usr
bin - user binary files ( executed by regular user)
boot - system boot related file
dev - system device files (dvd/cd/hdd/fd)
etc - all server & system configuration file
home - regular user home dir
lib - system libary files locations. libraries needed to execute the binaries in /bin/ and /sbin/.
media - system defaut mount point (DVD/ISO/SOFTware)
mnt - mount point (DVD/HDD/USB)
opt - optional (empty)
proc - Also called 'proFS' system process related info (CPU,RAM, Process, Driver, Modules and Kernel)
root - root user (superuser) home dir.
run - service running data. Runtime data for processes started since the last boot.
sbin - system binary ( used by root user)
srv - Sort for Service. User's (/home/*) service related data. Like WWW, FTP etc.
sys - Sort for system. '/sys' directory as a virtual filesystem (sysfs) mounted under /sys. similar as proc.
tmp - temporary files (deleted after 10 days)
usr - thirdparty software install location
var - varibale file (mail/log/hosting/ftpdata)
[student@hostX ~]$ cd [enter] ; back to home dir
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /
[student@hostX /]$ ls
[student@hostX /]$ cd
=> cd /dir1/dir2/dir3 [path] ; Linux
=> C:\di1\dir2\dir3> ; Windows
[student@hostX ~]$ cd /var/log
[student@hostX log]$ ls
[student@hostX log]$ cd .. ; one step/dir back
[student@hostX var]$ cd - ; back to previous dir
[student@hostX ~]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd Music
[student@hostX Music]$ cd ../Videos
[student@hostX Videos]$ ls
[student@hostX Videos]$ pwd
[student@hostX Videos]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ mkdir linuxY
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd linuxY
[student@hostX linuxY]$ ls
[student@hostX linuxY]$ pwd
[student@hostX linuxY]$ mkdir lesson02
[student@hostX linuxY]$ cd lesson02
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ pwd
Test: Graphically (home/...........)
class work:
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file1 ; file create
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch test1 test2 test3 ; multiple files create with single command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3 ; multiple dirs create with single command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file{1..10}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch user{1,2,3}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch user-{tarek,lima,liza}
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll dir1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch dir1/dir2/test
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd dir1/dir2/
[student@hostX dir2]$ pwd
[student@hostX dir2]$ ll
[student@hostX dir2]$ cd /home/student/linuxY/lesson02
[student@hostX dir2]$ cd ../../
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf *
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
Working with Hidden file/dir:
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir .training
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch .csl
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls -la ; a for hidden file/dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv .training training ; file rename
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch test1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir linux1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
d rwx rwx r-x . 2 student student 6 Feb 4 18:06 linux1
- rw- rw- r-- . 1 student student 0 Feb 4 18:06 testY
1 2a 2b 2c 2d 3 4 5 6 7 8
1: file/dir types
2: file/dir permission: 2a: user permission, 2b: group permission, 2c: others permission 2d: ACL Permission
3: file/dir link (Hard Link)
4: file/dir owner
5: file/dir group owner
6: file/dir size (byte)
7: file/dir modify date
8: file/dir name
Linux FIle & Dir types:
d = directory : regular directory
l = link file : /dev/stdin
s = socket : /dev/log
- = regular file : text/any file
p = Pipe file : /dev/initctl
b = device CD/DVD/HDD : /dev/sdb, /dev/sr0
c = character device (serial/prallel/printer): /dev/tty
s - A socket file is used to pass information between applications/process for communication purpose
[root@hostXlesson02]$ cd /dev
[student@hostX dev]$ ll
[student@hostX dev]$ cd -
FIle/dir Permission:
r = read
w = write
x = execute
- = no permission
. = Special Permission (+)
[student@hostX lesson02]$ touch file1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mkdir dir1
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 file2 ; file copy
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ll
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 /home/student ; same name
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp file1 /home/student/file3 ; diffrent name
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd -
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp /etc/passwd . ; copy to current dir [copy a file from other directory]
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp /etc/hostname /home/student
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ ls
[student@hostX ~]$ cd -
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp dir1 linux99 ; wrong command
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp -r dir1 linux99 ; copy directory
[student@hostX lesson02]$ cp -r /etc/ . [bring etc directory in present directory]
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm file1 ; file remove
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv file2 file4 ; move or rename
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ mv file4 /home/student
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm linux99 ; delete empty dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -r linux99 ; delete empty dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -r etc ; delete dir with content and confirmation
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf etc ; delete dir with contains and without confirmation
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson02]$ rm -rf * ; delete everything from curent dir
[student@hostX lesson02]$ ls
===================== The End =======================
Linux Text Editor:
Windows Text Editor: notepad, notepadd++
Linux Text Editor: vi/vim, nano, gedit (GUI), emacs, pico
Most propular/Advanced Text Editor: Vi/Vim
=> vi - old, b&w, default
=> vim - advanced, colorfull (Package must be installed)
[student@hostX ~]$ cd
[student@hostX ~]$ mkdir linux/lesson04 -p
[student@hostX ~]$ cd linux/lesson04
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson04]$ touch test ; create new file
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cp /etc/passwd . ; copy passwd file to cureent dir
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
passwd test
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim file1 ; edit newfile
welcome to csl training
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file1
[student@hostX lesson04]$ nano file2
welcome to cslcbt training
=> Ctrl+X then 'Y'
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file2
[student@hostX lesson04]$ gedit file3
welcome to cslcbt training
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file3
Working with vi/vim Mode:
=> Insert Mode : press "i" or "insert" button
=> Exit Mode : press "esc" button form keyboard
=> Command Mode: file navigation, cut, paste, undo, redo
=> Visual Mode: press "ctrl + v" form keyboard
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim myfile
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write something as your requirments ; (Hello world !!)
=> press "esc" button exit from "insert" mode
=> :x ; save and quit
[student@hostX lesson04]$ ls
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat myfile
Hello world !!
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim myfile
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write "welcome to linux training"
=> press "esc" quit from insert mode
=> :w ; only save not quit
=> Press "i" for insert mode
=> write "goodbye"
=> :q! ; quit without save
[student@hostX lesson04]$ cat file1
[student@hostX lesson04]$ vim passwd
:set nu
Cursor Movement:
h j k l - Left, down, up, right
^ - Go to the beginning of the line
$ - Go to the end of the line
gg - Go to the frst line
G - Go to the last line
:n - Go to line n
Replacing Text:
r - Replace character
yl - Single Character copy
nyl - no of Character copy
yy - Yank line
p - Paste after cursor
P - Paste before cursor
yw - word copy
nyy - n lines copy
Inserting Text:
i - Insert at cursor
I - Insert at the beginning of the line
a - Append after cursor
A - Append at the end of the line
o - Open a new line below the current line
O - Open a new line above the current line
Deleting Text:
x - delete (cut) character
dd - delete (cut) line
ndd - delete (cut) n lines
dw - delete (cut) word
D - delete (cut) to the end of the line
u - Undo
Ctrl-r - Redo
/{pattern} - Forward search for {pattern}
?{pattern} - Reverse search for {pattern}
n - Repeat the last search
N - Repeat the last search in the opposite direction
Find and Replace:
:%s/{old}/{new}/gc - Search and Replace with confirmation [without any space]
:%s/{old}/{new}/g - Search and Replace without confirmation
Save and Quit:
:w - Write (save)
:wq - Write and quit
:q - Quit
:q! - Force quit, don’t save changes
:wq! Force write and quit
-I for case sendative
-i case insensative
======================== Thank you ===================
Lesson: User and Group Administration
[root@desktopX ~]# less /etc/passwd
root : 0
system user: 200 - 999
regular user: 1000 +
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd tarek
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# grep tarek /etc/passwd
tarek: x: 1001: 1001: :/home/tarek :/bin/bash
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 - username
2 - user password info (/etc/shadow)
3 - userid (UID)
4 - groupid (GID): primary
5 - user's comment/descriptions
6 - user's home dir
7 - user's shell
[root@desktopX ~]# id tarek
uid=1001(tarek) gid=1001(tarek) groups=1001(tarek)
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow ; user password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# grep tarek /etc/shadow ; tarek password related info
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahfuz ; user create
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mamun
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahfuz
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Alt+Ctrl+F2 -- Alt+Ctrl+F6
login: mahfuz ; login as regular user
pass: 123 ; (note: please numlock on)
[mahfuz@desktopX ~]$ exit
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd trainer ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd staff ; group add
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group ; group related info
trainer :x: 1003:
1 2 3 4
1 - group name
2 - group password info (/etc/gshadow)
3 - gid
4 - group members
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group ; check trainer group
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer tarek ;existing user modify
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -G trainer belal ; newuser to group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -G trainer,staff ikbal ; single user assign to multiple groups
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep trainer /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# id ikbal
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd -u 3000 roman ; user careate with UID
[root@desktopX ~]# grep roman /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupadd -g 3100 admin
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# groupmod -n faculty trainer ;change group name
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# gpasswd -d ikbal staff ; remove from group
[root@desktopX ~]# grep staff /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd -d ikbal ; password remove
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
Login regular user:
Linux GUI terminal: 1 (Alt + Ctrl + F1)
Linux Command Terminal: (Alt+Ctrl+F2 - Alt + Ctrl + F6)
Login as root user
[root@desktopX ~]# id rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -c "Linux X student" rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1000:1000:Linux X student:/home/rafat:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# mkdir -p /newhome/rafat2
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -d /newhome/rafat2 rafat
[root@desktopX ~]# grep rafat /etc/passwd
rafat:x:1003:1003: :/newhome/rafat2:/bin/bash
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/shells
[root@desktopX ~]# id student
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /sbin/nologin student ;change user shell
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/passwd
student :x:1002:1002::/home/student :/sbin/nologin
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -s /bin/bash student ;shell enable
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -L student ; user account lock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: ! $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
Check: Alt + Ctrl + F3 (use username password)
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow
[root@desktopX ~]# usermod -U student ; user account unlock
[root@desktopX ~]# grep student /etc/shadow
student: $.............../:16106:10:30:7:::
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel rafat ; user delete without home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# userdel -r rafat ; delete user with home dir
[root@desktopX ~]# cat /etc/passwd
[root@desktopX ~]# groupdel admin ; groupdel
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/group
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd mahedi
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd mahedi
Login: mahedi
Pass: *****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
-bash: /usr/sbin/useradd: Permission denied
What is SUDO do ?
Sudo allows a permitted user to execute a specifc command or a
group of commands or all commands as the superuser.
regular user: rumon, rony, lucky
=> rm,cp,mv,
=> mkdir,touch
=> pwd,free -m,
=> ping, df -HT
=> ip addr, tail
Command run from: /bin/
super user: root
=> useradd, passwd, groupadd
=> reboot, systemctl
=> shutdown, poweroff
=> setenforce
Command run from: /sbin
Note: [root@desktopX ~]# which useradd ; command for location of useradd command
[root@desktopX ~]# which pwd
Editing sudo configuration File:
Rules 1: permit for all
[root@desktopX ~]# visudo
:set nu
91 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL ; mahedi allow for any command
:x (save and exit)
Press: Alt + Ctrl + F3
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ useradd rasel
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ sudo useradd rasel
[sudo] password for mahedi: ****
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ tail /etc/passwd
[mahedi@desktopX ~]$ exit
Working with /etc/shadow file:
[root@desktopX ~]# useradd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# passwd lucky
[root@desktopX ~]# tail /etc/shadow | grep lucky
Login: lucky
passL: 123
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -l lucky ;password info
Last password change : MM DD, YYYY
Password expires : never
Password inactive : never
Account expires : never
Minimum number of days between password change : 0
Maximum number of days between password change : 99999
Number of days of warning before password expires : 7
password: P@ssword123 (new password)
[root@desktopX ~]# chage lucky
Minimum Password age [0]: 3
Maximum Password age [99999]: 30
Last Password Changed (YYYY-MM-DD): Press Enter (today)
Password Expiration Warning [7]: 5
Password Inactive [-1]: 5
Account Expiration Date (YYYY-MM-DD) [-1]: YYYY-MM-DD
note: If press Enter account never expire
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# date MMDDHHMMYY
[root@desktopX ~]# date
[root@desktopX ~]# vim /etc/login.defs ;user password related info
25 PASS_MAX_DAYS 99999
[root@desktopX ~]# chage -d 0 lucky
=================================== x ===========================
Rules 2: shutdown disallow
52 Cmnd_Alias SHUTDOWN = /usr/sbin/shutdown, /usr/sbin/poweroff, /usr/sbin/reboot
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) ALL, !SHUTDOWN
Rules 3: permit for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias MAHEDI = /usr/sbin/useradd, /usr/sbin/userdel
92 mahedi ALL=(ALL) MAHEDI
Rules 4: permit group (support) for specific command
52 Cmnd_Alias SUPPORT = /usr/sbin/fdisk, /usr/sbin/passwd,
109 %support ALL=(ALL) SUPPORT
=================== The End ===============
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