Mikrotik Setup

User Authentication:


PPP->interface(+)->pppoe server
PPPOE server->interface(lan)->       one session per host (make check)
IP->POOL->(.1 Lan) 2-254 pppoe pool (same LAN ip range)
Profile-> name() -> local Address (lan port address) -> Remote Address (pppoe pool) -> dns server -> limits -256000/256000

Secrets(create user) -> name () -> pass () -> service-> pppoe -> profile-256

Right click on lan icon-> open network and sharing center->Create new connection ->
Next (without change) -> setup connection manually -> connect using a broadband connection


Prepaid user Or Packages-
no need to apply nat rules while configure
Hotspot Setup-> Interface->LAN
user 2 at a time have to change 1
user profile->(+) name address-pool->hs pool
Server profile-> unchecked cookies (login)
user (+) Server-hotspot1 name-worshi password-(any)
Profile- limit in/out ->OK
limit uptime-30d0:00:00


Tunnel 2 private address

Interface->EOIP tunnel->Name()->Remote address116.193.216.26->Tunnel id-200

IP->address(+) -> -> interface-> boro>>gul
IP-> Route-dst. Address192.168.3.0/24 ->gateway-

Interface->EOIP tunnel->Name()->Remote address103.36.102.145->Tunnel id-200

IP->address(+) -> -> interface-> gul >> boro
IP-> Route-dst. Address192.168.2.0/24 ->gateway-

Port Block
IP>firewall>(+) chain>forward>protocol>tcp>dst port->1433
IP>firewall>(+) chain>forward>protocol>udp>dst port->1433

GRE Tunnel-

PPP Server-

PPTP Server Binding-

L2TP Server Binding-

SSTP Server Binding-

OVPN Server Binding-


WEB Proxy
IP-> web proxy->web proxy enable
Ip ->Firewall->Nat->
Chain->dstnat->protocol->tcp->dst. Port=80
Action=redirect-> To port->8080

Allow/deny website

Ip> web proxy>access>dst. Host - facebook


Segment network and reduce broadcast. Use layer2 method follow ieee802.1q. 4byte vlan identifier. Maximum no. of valn in one interface 4096.
Create vlan by command: interface connect numbers=1 comment=INTERNAL_NETWORK [0 is ether1 1 is ether2]
            #interface vlan add interface=ether2 name=vlan_10 vlan-id=10
            #ip address add interface=ether1 address=
            # ip address add interface=vlan_10 address=
            #ip route add distance=1 gateway=
            #ip pool add name=vlan_10_pppoe ranges=
            #ppp profile add dns-server= local-address= name=valn_10 rate-limite=512k/1024 remote-address=vlan_10_pppoe
            #interface pppoe-server server add default-profile=valn_10 disabled=no interface=valn_10 one-session per-host=yes service-name=vlan_10-pppoe
            #ip firewall nat add action=src-nat chain=src-nat out-interface=ether1 src-address= to address=
            #ppp secret add name=user1 password=user1 profile=valn_10 service=pppoe
Valn in same router:
Interface->vlan-name-vlan id- interface
Configure nat.
Port based vlan: switch-vlan-(+)vlan id-200  ports lan-ok

Inter vlan routing/Router and switch valn:

Router: Bridge>name(vlan)-ok
Port>Ether2-lan or switch bound port
Ip>Dhcp Server>int-vlan100

Switch: Bridge-valn100 and vlan 200-ok
Int-vlan-valn 100 and 200-ok
Ports: ether2,3 vlan 100 4,5 vlan200
Ports: (+) name vlan 100- bridge>vlan100  
            Vlan 200> Bridge-vlan200

Vlan Mikrotik router and Cisco Switch:
Mikrotik: Interface>Vlan->name (IT)->ID-10
Ad Address Per vlan: Ip->address->(+) address ->Interface-valn IT
Enable Dhcp Across Vlan:  Ip >Dhcp Server->Dhcp setup->Vlan IT
Create another for HR
Create Vlan on Cisco Switch and Configure Trunk:
SW-Vlan 10
#name IT
#int e0/0         (Router bound port)
#Switchport mode trunk encapsulation dot1q
# Switchport mode trunk
#int e0/1
# Switchport mode access
#switchport access vlan 10

Load Balancing with failover-

Ip-firewall- mangle – (+) -> chain- input -> in interface-wan1-> action-mark connection –> new connection mark-WAN1_connection
Ip-firewall- mangle – (+) -> chain- input -> in interface-wan2-> action-mark connection –> new connection mark-WAN2_connection
Ip-firewall- mangle – (+) -> chain- output -> connection mark-wan1_connection -> action-mark routing –> new connection mark-to WAN1
Ip-firewall- mangle – (+) -> chain- output -> connection mark-wan2_connection -> action-mark routing –> new connection mark-to WAN2
(+) ->chain- perouting ->dst address-WAN1 address range like ( ->in interface-local Action- Accept
(+) ->chain- perouting ->dst address-WAN2 address range like ( ->in interface-local Action- Accept
(+) ->chain- perouting -> ->in interface-local-> advanced->Per connection Classifier->Both address and ports-2-0->Extra-dst addess type-local (chack inet)-> Action- mark connection-> new connection mark- WAN1_connection
(+) ->chain- perouting -> ->in interface-local-> advanced->Per connection Classifier->Both address and ports-2-1->Extra-dst addess type-local (chack inet)-> Action- mark connection-> new connection mark- WAN2_connection
(+) ->chain- perouting->in interface-local-> connection mark- wan1_connection -> Action-mark routing-> new connection mark- to wan1
(+) ->chain- perouting->in interface-local-> connection mark- wan2_connection -> Action-mark routing-> new connection mark- to wan2

Route list:
IP-> Route-> (+)dst address- -> gateway-WAN1gateway->check gateway-ping-> distance-1 ->routing mak-> to wan1
IP-> Route-> (+)dst address- -> gateway-WAN2gateway->check gateway-ping-> distance-1 ->routing mak-> to wan2
IP-> Route-> (+)dst address- -> gateway-WAN1gateway->check gateway-ping-> distance-1
IP-> Route-> (+)dst address- -> gateway-WAN2gateway->check gateway-ping-> distance-2


IP-Firewall- (+) chain-src nat -> out inteace-WAN1 ->action-masquerade
IP-Firewall- (+) chain-src nat -> out inteace-WAN2 ->action-masquerade

Src-nat- to address will be public address

chain- forward-> src-addressss-Lan address
Action- src-nat  ->to address WAN address  - OK

 Port Forward-

file share in lan to wlan to private address nating:

chain- dst-nat->dst-address -> protocol 6(tcp) ->dst. port 139    Action -dst-nat -> To address -> To-port 139

chain- dst-nat->dst-address -> protocol 6(tcp) ->dst. port 445    Action -dst-nat -> To address -> To-port 445

Dst. NAT to address will be privet address
NAT>chain>dstnat>dst. Address-> ->protocol>tcp>dst port-53
Action->dst nat->to address ->

NAT>chain>dstnat>dst. Address-> ->protocol>udp>dst port-53
Action->dst nat->to address ->

Chain-> dst nat dst address- protocol-tcp dst. Port (dvr port)
Action->dst nat->to address ->DVR address To port-> DVR port

General-> Chain->dst-nat dst-address->  ->Protocol-UDP
Action->dst-nat  ->To address- ->to ports5060
General-> Chain->dst-nat dst-address->  ->Protocol-UDP
Action->dst-nat  ->To address- ->to ports5004

1:1 mapping
If you want to link Public IP subnet to local one, you should use destination address translation and source address translation features with action=netmap.
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address= \
     action=netmap to-addresses=

/ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat src-address= \
     action=netmap to-addresses= 
Same can be written using different address notation, that still have to match with the described network

/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address= \
     action=netmap to-addresses=

/ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat src-address= \
     action=netmap to-addresses=  


How to block all user but allow one user in Facebook:

Ip-firewall-layer7- ^.+(facebook.com).*$
Filter rules- chain-forward-src. Address-

Allow specific address-> address-chain-forward-scr. Address-
Advanced-layer7-fb block-action-accept

Block a website by filter ruls:
Firewall->Filter Ruls->Chain-Forward  Src-address –local lan address   -> Advanced- Content  -facebook.com ->  Action- Drop
Block multiple address-
Firewall-> Address list -> (+) Name-FB_block  Address-
Firewall-> Address list -> (+) Name-FB_block  Address-
Firewall->Filter Ruls->Chain-Forward 
Advanced  src address list-fb_block
Content- facebook.com ->Action-Drop

Permit specific Ip:
Filter ruls-> chain-Forward  -> src-address-  Advanced->Content- facebook.com  -> Action-Accept

/ip firewall filter
chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop

isolation a address range:
ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop
ip firewall filter add chain=forward src-address= dst-address= action=drop

Block a range of ip to access internet:

filter rules-> chain=forward src-address= Action-Drop

Block all incoming and outgoing and internet for a range of ip:

Filter-Rules  -> Chain-Forward ->Src-address-local lan address -> dst-address-  Action-Drop

Chain-Forward-> Src-address-  -> dst-address local lan address -Action-Drop

Drop DNS hit from outside:

Filter rules-> Chain-Forward  Protocol-tcp-> src port-53  Action-Drop
Filter rules-> Chain-Forward  Protocol-tcp-> dst port-53  Action-Drop




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